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Ticket manage

Downs those still witty an balls so chief so. Moment an little remain.

Live messaging

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Email workflow

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File upload

Downs those still witty an balls so chief so. Moment an little remain.

Customers Organizational Client Detailsrecorded Individual Project Trackingspace available Work Relation Details with theorganization Dashboard Manages Overall Functioningof the Organization Project Management under one space Complete Data Compilation for Teamand Clients Invoices Creating Time-Based and Recurring Invoices Professional and AttractiveInvoices generation Mailing system with PDF Invoices to the clients Estimates Auto-Conversion of Invoicesinto Estimates Understandable Price Distribution Outline present Customer status and negotiation section available Contracts Legal Document for currentand future projects Easily converted into pdfs and sent to clients Acceptance feature usingE-Signatures Projects Tracks the work under progress Flat Time Layout for a projectin hand Graphical Representation ofactual and ideal work situations Tasks Recording the time taken for completion of tasks Segregates the tasks into their present work status Date-Based view of differenttasks Tickets Audience Queries are raised through these tickets Problems or Discrepanciescan be addressed Multi-Channel acceptanceof Tickets Attendance Feature for Individual ClockIn/Clock Out IP Address Monitoring forattendance Permission to mark Attendancefor Yourself Location Based Restrictions inthe attendance system Leaves Different Leave Quota forleaves to be taken Options to set Paid and UnpaidLeaves for the employees Customisation of Leave Criterias as required Messaging Direct Interaction amongstmembers and third parties Discussions can be done withthe concerned One-to-One Conversationfeature available Events Organization’s ImportantDates are marked Specified in Individual Calendars for reminders New Customized Events can be created by individuals Notice Board Important News circulated here Convenient for sharinginformation to a large group Works as a Virtual InformationBoard for the team Reports Analysis of Task Activityperformed overall so far Time log Analysis for ProjectTasks allotted overall Finance Reports recordingthe overall financial data Custom Roles &Permissions Permission Control featurefor roles in a team Creation of Customized Rolesas per requirement CustomerPanel Access to Projects signed with the organization Work Tracking and Updationanalysis made easier E-signatures to SignContracts digitally GDPR Compliances Updated as per European UnionGuidelines Protects Parties Data as pertheir instructions Access, Data Portability andErasure permissions Multilingual Compatible for InternationalAudience Customizable as per the user’s region Social Login Multi-Platform Login Facility Easy Control over social mediaplatforms Credential Collection in one space Security Securing the data accessibility features Checks threats throughArtificial Intelligence Manual and AutomatedAnalysis for security Custom Fields Addition of custom fields in pre-generated forms Customization of forms according to requirements Helps in collecting Uniform datafrom all members Notifications Sets up Default Notificationsettings Uniform Notification Formattingfor Email and Slack Controls Major InformationChannels within the organization Two FactorAuthentication QR code or Code Authenticationfor security Increased Security for userdata protection Multiple Security Patternsprior to data access Substitute for Local Storage. Stores Large amounts of datasecurely Easy Accessibility to the storedinformation

Two simple steps to start managing your Hospital With an online Software

  • Contact Us Step - 01

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  • Setup Your System Step - 02

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